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Viking2917's books

October 2013
reviewed: Inferno: A Novel (Robert Langdon)
A prisoner of his formula. Dan Brown is a prisoner of his formula, finding some odd historical theory and exploding into a n...
Inferno - Dan Brown
reviewed: Our Game
Tim is an early middle aged retired spy put out to pasture. The pasture happens to include his girlfriend, the young and very...
Our Game - John le Carré
reviewed: Nobody Move: A Novel
Good fun. Nowhere as deep as his other works, but good fun and a step up for airplane books.
Nobody Move - Denis Johnson
reviewed: The Crook Factory
Dan Simmons has written a number of fantastic books - some of my favorites are Hyperion, Illium, and Flashback, mostly in the...
The Crook Factory - Dan Simmons
reviewed: Minor Episodes / Major Ruckus (The Chaos! Quincunx)
I received Minor Episodes through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. It sounded intriguing and odd. From the blurb: "M...
Minor Episodes / Major Ruckus - Garry Thomas Morse
reviewed: The Master Spy: The Story of Kim Philby
Imagine if the number 2 or 3 person at the CIA was a Soviet agent. Sounds impossible, right? Not so. Kim Philby was responsib...
The Master Spy: The Story of Kim Philby - Phillip Knightley
reviewed: The Gun Seller
As part of LibraryThing's wonderful Early Reviewers program, I was able to get a copy of Hugh Laurie's The Gun Seller. You pr...
The Gun Seller - Hugh Laurie, Simon Prebble
reviewed: Alif the Unseen
Tales of Thousand and One Nights meets Arab Spring meets Cryptonomicon. Great fun.
Alif the Unseen - G. Willow Wilson
reviewed: Mission to Paris
Through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program, I was fortunate enough to receive a pre-release copy of Mission to Paris, a...
Mission to Paris - Alan Furst
reviewed: When the Shark Bites
A look inside the real Hawaii and the views of native Hawaiians, switching between the 1970s and more current times.
Morales: When the Shark Bites - Rodney Morales
reviewed: Hide Me Among the Graves: A Novel
Tim Powers is the master of the historical magical fantasy novel. Weaving together fragments of historical truth with magical...
Hide Me Among the Graves - Tim Powers
reviewed: Music, The Brain, And Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination
Interesting read on the pyscho-acoustics of how the brain hears and reacts to music. Interesting theories, but many of them a...
Music, the Brain, and Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination - Robert Jourdain
reviewed: The Last Werewolf
really digging The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan. Highlander meets An American Werewolf in London.
The Last Werewolf - Glen Duncan
reviewed: Casino Royale: A James Bond Novel (James Bond Novels, Book 1)
Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a l...
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming
reviewed: Dancing with Eternity
Dancing with Eternity is a first novel by John Patrick Lowrie. It's the far distant future and people mostly no longer die. T...
Dancing With Eternity - John Patrick Lowrie